Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Meeting Richardson....

I feel honored that my friend asked me to be there to photograph her little man's entrance into this world. What an experience! I wasn't able to get to the hospital in time to get a full birth story (dang that real job!)... However, I got to document the waiting family, the proud Daddy's announcement, and the first hour of Richardson's life. I can hardly wait to do his newborn photos! What a perfect little baby! :) Congrats to Rich and Rach and family!

The proudest Daddy! Strutting out to tell the anxious family (who had both pink and blue bows for the flowers because somehow Rach and Rich were able to wait it out for a real surprise!).....
It's a........ BOY!
And the star of the show... baby Richardson!

Again, congrats guys! And thank you so much for allowing me to be there! Love you all!


  1. You captured those first exciting moments so well. Beautiful job!

  2. Every time I look at these pictures they make cry! You did such a good job capturing the moment. You won't believe how big Richardson is now!! Hope you're going well. :) Rachel
